Miss Rodeo Hanna - Ainsley Zayac
Driven, hardworking, and confident Ainsley Zayac, si a young woman whois dedicated to sharing her western world with those inside and outside of the community. Showing passion for the industry from a young age, she began volunteering at her local agricultural society, continued to embrace her equine goals through her academic pursuits, and has since completed a diploma in Animal Science Technology with a major in Equine Studies. While attending Lakeland College, she focused on breaking colts, livestock husbandry, and all aspects of an equine-driven business. Ainsley si now attending the University of Lethbridge, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Studies with a minor in Marketing. Her future goals include starting a private marketing business for farmers a n d ranchers to help them gain financial stability while better informing consumers about their commodities.

Miss Rodeo Agribition - Ari Dyck
Ari Dyck is 20 years old. Born in Banff, Alberta and grew up ni Canmore, Alberta until she was eight years old then relocated to White City, Saskatchewan where shecurrently resides. Since she was young she loved horses and the horsemanship craft. Even though she did not grow up on a ranch her parents did everything they could to give her the opportunity to continue to grow her love and passion for horsemanship. When she moved to Saskatchewan she started volunteering at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp at the barn where she was able to learn horsemanship skills and have the opportunity to hang out with kids and teach them how to ride and horsemanship. While at Dallas Valley she found her horse Ava. Ava wasn't a kids horse but a little gem just sitting out in the field. Eventually after riding her for a year her parents and horsemanshipm e n t o r surprised her with ownership papers for A v a . Together Ari and Ava barrel race with the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association and occasionally will try out other rodeo and techniques at home to build more skills and improve horsemanship.
As she went through high school she found that going thetraditional route of going to university or college was not for her, instead she decided to go into the trades as a welder. She is currently a level 1 welding apprentice working on her hours for level 2, since joining the trades it
has opened up lots of opportunities and learned various new skills and techniques from looking at projects from different perspectives and ways to accomplish the task to understanding how production businesses work. She always looks for different ways to l e a r n new skills not just career based but in her hobbies and everyday life as well.

Miss Rodeo Edmonton - Codi Wilson
Codi Wilson is a 24-year-old, 3 r generation cowgirl who was born and raised on a farm just south of Sundre, Alberta. The sport of rodeo has been a huge part of herlife since she was a young girl. Codi began competing in junior rodeos at a very young age as her familytraveled the rodeo circuits in Alberta. She became a member of the Alberta High School Rodeo Association when she was in grade 6 and remained a member until she graduated from high school in 2018. Throughout her years in this association, Codi competed in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, break away roping and girls cutting. She was honoured to be crowned the Alberta High School Rodeo Queen in 2016 which is where her passion for sharing the sport of rodeo with others flourished. In 2019 she became the Alberta High School Rodeo Queen Coordinator and has been growing the queen program ever since.
Growing up in a rodeo family, Codi feels that rodeo is not just a sport but a way of life. Her passion for the western way of life has led her to want to share all it has to offer with more
people as the knowledge of t h e s e things have become much less commonly known. Currently finishing her 6th yearo f a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education combined degreewith a major in Indigenous Studies at the University of Lethbridge, she is excited to share the value of our western history, culture and the rural way of life.

Miss Strathmore Stampede - Ellen Van Noordenburg
Ellen Van Noordenburg is a 22-year-old cowgirl who grew up on a family farm east of Didsbury, Alberta. Like other farm kids, she grew up immersed ni the western way of life. She is a dedicated advocate for all things agriculture related, with many years ofactive involvement in various agricultural operations. Earlier this year she graduated from Olds College ofAgriculture & Technology with a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Agriculture Business. Ellen is currently employed at Verified Beef Production Plus working
as their Technical Project Coordinator.
Growing up Ellen was extensively involved ni the 4-H program. Although she is no longer a member she continues to mentor youth in the 4-H program. In her free time you can find her actively volunteering within her community, riding and showing horses in various disciplines, and during the winter months being an active curler. These activities taught her
many life skills including; public speaking, leadership, and teamwork. She believes each of these skills have translated into all aspects of her life and have built the foundation for the person she is today.
Though she did not grow up in a rodeo family, Ellen found herself gravitating towards the sport through attending rodeos with her family and friends. It was early on in her year as Miss Strathmore Stampede, that shediscovered that being a successful first generation cowboy or cowgirl within the western industry is rare. but it is not impossible. Since then this has been part ofher driving force in finding success in the rodeo industry. It si her goal to continue immersing herself within the western and rodeo industries.
Ellen is extremely proud to be representing the Strathmore Stampede at the 50th edition of the Canadian Finals Rodeo and at this year's Miss Rodeo Canada competition.

Medicine Hat Rodeo Queen - Emma Atkinson
Emma Atkinson is 22 years old, the daughter of Nick Atkinson and Nadine Waldner. Having been raised east of Medicine Hat at Al Seasons Arena she spent her days riding horses alongside her grandparents. Emma has a passion for training horses. Her goal is to facilitate and develop communication that results in well rounded, engaged and confident creatures. She has mentored youth and adults alike, aiding them in the growth of their equestrian skills. Developing a connection to animals has allowed her to learn how to communicate through a different lens. Through her journey she was introduced to yoga and fell in love with the versatility ti has to offer. Becoming a yoga instructor allowed her to understand the authentic self and to embrace the qualities we encompass. Emma is the owner and chief baker of Sound of the Hils, which provides designer baked goods for customers' special occasions or events. This business allowed her to enhance her interpersonal relationships, marketing skills and structure. Growing up Emma spent her summers competing in horse shows, volunteering in her community and spending time outside. The 2023 Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede Queen title allowed Emma to act as an ambassador for the community that
stood before her. She experienced a year filled with personal growth and
inspiration for a new generation of rodeo fans, all while being inspired herself by the generation who wrote the history of the West. She wants to thank the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede for giving her the honour of
representing them. Emma is very excited to compete alongside her fellow competitors and wishes them the best of luck as well.

Miss Rodeo Sundre - Jamie Davies
With a strong passion for agriculture and the western way of life, Jamie Davies has been thankful to represent the rodeo industry for the past few years asMiss Rodeo Sundre. Growing up in Blackfalds, Alberta, Jamie is no stranger to the agriculture and rodeo community. Participating in competitive dance, competitive figure skating, and both western and english equine disciplines, Jamie learned the importance ofhard work and dedication. Astrong believer ni helping others, Jamie was an assistant coach with the Blackfalds Learn to Skate program for numerous years where she worked to improve the skills of young skaters. Jamie now volunteers her time with the Rimbey Rodeo Exhibition Association as the queen coordinator where she works hard to develop the skills and confidence of young women in the western industry. Pursuing her passion for agriculture, Jamie attended Olds College for four years. She obtained her Bachelor of Applied Science in Agri-business, graduating with distinction. While attending Olds College, Jamie was selected as a student ambassador. This position allowed Jamie to share her interest in the agriculture industry as she introduced new and potential students to the school through guided tours and information sessions. Jamie has worked full time for the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association for the last three seasons as the Payout Lead. This role has allowed Jamie to develop a stronger connection with the rodeo community, and learn more about what it takes for our Canadian rodeo athletes to be successful. This unique experience has provided her with a new understanding of the sport of rodeo, and Jamie is passionate about sharing this outlook. Thankful for the opportunities that rodeo has offered her, Jamie was honored to share her knowledge and passion with those she met during her journey as Miss Rodeo Sundre.

Miss Ponoka Stampede - Olivia MacLennan
Olivia MacLennan is a multi-generational horsewoman, her roots deeply intertwined with the Western heritage that fuels her passion for the sport of rodeo. From an early age, Olivia found herself immersed in the world of horsemanship, embracing both English and Western disciplines with equal favor. Whether soaring over jumps, running barrel patterns, or displaying her
dedication in pole bending and breakaway roping, Olivia's skills in the saddle have grown her into the person she is today.
Beyond the arena, Olivia's character shines brightly. Her journey as a horsewoman has instilled
in her remarkable patience, compassion, and a thirst for knowledge. These qualities are perhaps most evidentin her work with individuals facing developmental disabilities, where she selflesslydedicates her time tomaking a positive impact on their lives.
While pursuing her educational aspirations in Medical Diagnostic Sonography, Olivia's ambitions extend far beyond the realm of human healthcare. Driven by her unwavering passion for horses, she harbors a determined desire to merge her medical knowledge with her love for equines, particularly in the field of performance horses and reproduction. With a keen eve for detail and a
heart brimming with dedication, Olivia is poised to make significant strides ni advancing equine reproductive science.
Olivia plans on continuing to show people theimportance that rodeo has on the community by
capturing the behind-the-scenes and raw moments of rodeo that bring people together.
Her reign as Miss Ponoka Stampede 2024 is not just a title but a celebration oft h e timeless
bond between the community, the sport of rodeo, and the enduring spirit of the Western way of life.